Over the last couple of months, the members of the new apparatus committee have been working tirelessly on our new engine specifications. This engine will replace our current Engine 106, a 2007 Pierce Lance. Engine 106 was recently sold to Salem Fire Department in Salem, Kentucky. The committee has been coming up with a design that would suit our needs as a company for the changing fire service for years to come. The committee has chosen a 2020 Seagrave Murauder II as a great replacement for Engine 106. The committee recently took a trip to the Seagrave Facility in Clintonville, Wi to conduct a preconstruction conference. With members of the Seagrave Staff, we were able to tour the facility and get some ideas for what would help our rig. After the conclusion of our tour, we sat down and honed out our next engine. This process took two days to complete. Now that this process is complete, we have given the green light to release to production. Thank you to Santo Curro of Hudson Valley Fire Equipment for assisting us with a second Seagrave engine build.
The members listed below have given their time and expertise in order to create a vehicle that will serve a great part of the Mount Kisco Fire Department:
Chris Ross - Committee Chairman Ray Zaccari - Committee Co-Chairman Jon Pucila Manual Acuna Matt Puclia Drew Burns
**Please Stay tuned for updates on the new Engine 106** |